Studio Nicholson Creative Director, Nick Wakeman first came across Hironobu, an exceptionally stylish grandfather from Suzuka, Japan in 2019. “Hironobu had lost his wife four years before, and his grandson Kota began going over to take photos of him to keep him occupied and bring him some joy, and started posting them on Instagram,” Wakeman says, “I sent them a ton of clothes and said, ‘Look, do what you want with them.’ And they started sending me these incredible images back.”
Striking a firm friendship with them both, Wakeman has continued to send clothing to Kota, drawing inspiration from the photos she receives, “Hironobu looks better than any model I could hope for, because he’s wearing the clothes in his own environment, and that’s where the beauty is."
Hironobu wear the Asago Overshirt in Fatigue, the Beta T-Shirt in Optic White, the Bosun Pant in Darkest Navy & the Cobb Shoe in Musk