01. Sign up
Simply join our Loyalty System to become part of the SN community. You don't even need to make a purchase to start collecting points: you can begin earning by creating an account or by recommending us to a friend
02. Start earning
To begin collecting more points, simply start shopping. You'll get a point for every £ (GBP) you spend with us
02. Unlock more rewards
The more points you have, the greater the discount you'll receive:
- Reach 200 points and receive 10% off
- Reach 400 points and receive 15% off
- Reach 1000 points and receive 20% off
Our Loyalty System is a community of customers and like-minded individuals: by joining you will automatically gain early access to product launches and to promotions and sales. By shopping with us you can earn points - which can then be used to receive a discount on all future purchases.
There's a few ways. You will earn a point for every pound you spend with us (or your local currency covered to GBP), but you can also gain points by creating an account, and get further discounts by referring a friend. We'll also gift you 200 points on your birthday - conveniently, that's enough for a 10% discount.
You can see your points total - along with all other details of the Loyalty System - within your account. Simply log in to your account on our site and navigate to the 'Rewards' tab; your balance will be displayed here.
You can easily use your points whenever you see us in store or visit our site. Simply log in to your account and visit the 'Rewards' tab: there you can generate a code that can be used in the checkout.
Once you've earned your points, they will be yours for a year.
Your points are automatically allocated to your account as soon as you make a purchase. If you believe there's an issue with your points total, feel free to contact us at service@studionicholson.com
Not many. Unfortunately you can't use your points on any sale products, or during any other promotional discounts. There are also certain products that are excluded: mostly collaborations, but occasionally other products (you can find an up-to-date list in our T&Cs
Points will be issued in the value of your local currency, then converted to their total in GBP.
If you've got a question not addressed here, you can email us at service@studionicholson.com, or by using the live-chat on our site (available between the hours of 9-5pm, Monday-Friday)